
Consultdoc Emphasises The Benefits Of A Single Step Towards Weight Loss – With Takeaway Points From The National Obesity Awareness Week 10-16 January 2022

Hello, following the National Obesity Awareness Week 10-16 January 2022, I want to encourage and advise you that every little step you take in losing and maintaining healthy body weight is important no matter how small.

The benefits can include:

    1. A big reduction in the risk of dying from illnesses such as COVID-19, diabetes, or cancer.
    2. A reduction in high blood pressure if you have hypertension and less risk of having the long-term effects. From hypertension such as stroke and kidney problems.
    3. You will also benefit from a reduced risk of diabetes and have less accumulation of bad fat. In the body which can have a long-term detrimental effect on your health.
    4. You will improve the function of your lungs. So you can recover quickly after a cold or chest infection like COVID-19.
    5. If you are a couple you will have improved fertility. A higher chance of conceiving as soon as you start trying for a baby.
    6. You will have strong healthy bones and reduced problems with back pain and joint pains.
    7. You will also have an improved sleep pattern. So you can wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for a new day.

It is extremely worthwhile and beneficial to take your first step today. As the overall benefit of that single step. You take towards losing weight and maintaining healthy body weight is a milestone. It is you who needs to make that first step, and there’s nothing like good old moral support. If you can, get the support of everyone behind you, including your family and friends.

You can record your achievement and share the results with everyone supporting you. You can register here for personalized healthcare from us and consult online with any of our doctors about weight management. We are unable to prescribe any long-term medications for weight management. But we can refer anyone to a specialist weight management service. If deemed necessary by the clinician. You can read the Department of Health Your weight, Your health booklet for more information.

Don’t forget, next year’s National Obesity Awareness Week January 10-16 2023 will be with us before we know it! So, if you feel the need for further help and advice. Let’s help you plan and see what milestones we can help you achieve by then!

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