Close-up image of a person holding a tissue to their nose to stop a nosebleed.

Ten Steps To Managing Nosebleed At Home

  1. If you do have a regular repeated nosebleed, it is quite important to know how to manage this.
  2. So, when this occur, the first thing you need to do is to use your finger to apply a small pressure on the soft part of your nose to try to stop the bleeding.
  3. You can try to lean forward to avoid the blood from going back through your nose.
  4. Sometimes it is always best if you do have an ice pack in the house, you can wrap it up in a piece of towel and apply it on the bridge of your nose.
  5. If you do this for ten to fifteen minutes, most of the time the bleeding stops.
  6. Sometimes if you have an episode of heavy bleeding that these measures doesn’t control it, it is very important to seek access to the emergency services.
  7. Call 999 or if you are able to go through this through NHS111
  8. But if your bleeding is controlled, you can best get further advice on managing further nosebleed by booking an appointment with us online.
  9. Whereby we can advise you and we can even prescribe a medication that you can apply through the nostrils to prevent bleeding from happening.
  10. But one thing you can do will be to learn and manage this at home. So, it’s important to get further advice after a nosebleed.
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